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If you have a problem, small or large, with your Desktop or Laptop Computer, we can now fix IT remotely. Whether it’s a nasty Virus, Spyware or just some general system maintenance or house keeping, Software Updates or Installation we can now offer a remote option.
No need to unplug anything, just install the software we send you by email and leave it all up to us.
There are many things we can now perform like removing Virus, speeding up your PC, Improving your protection and security and improving your overall Computer Experience - we can now do it all, remotely, over the Internet.

This offer is available to all Windows Computer users Worldwide and is paid for in New Zealand currency
We can even assist you with advice for Hardware upgrades and help you with the installation - remotely.

All you have to do is allow us access to your computer thru a Broadband or Cellular Wireless Internet connection - we can provide you a
SAFE - SECURE Experience that will SAVE you Time and Money.
No need to remember what plug goes were, no more time spent driving into town, looking for a parking spot, save on time and petrol - and the best thing of all “you can watch us perform the service” on your own computer screen.

How do we do it -
Its simple you can even watch how we do it on your computer screen. We send you a special secure, encrypted link by email; you download the required software, it takes 5 minutes, then leave it up to us.
We can fix your Virus and spyware problems, remove unwanted junk files speed up your computer and perform a full service all in one operation.

Special “
Try US you will be impressed” introductory offer to the first 10 customers.
For an upfront payment of
$100.00 we will perform a full diagnostic check, Antivirus clean and Spyware cleanout, junk file tidy up and system maintenance worth over $300.00, on your computer, saving you at least $200.00
Who you going to Call ?
The fantastically Fast Fixers who Fix IT First Time
Computerz and More Limited
06-8672667  - 0272588879
Or Email us at
to make a booking NOW!

Remote Internet Servicing - now available from


Standard Subscription
fee $49.00. This allows for up to 50 minutes per month service time per computer. That’s as little as $2.18 per day. Fees are payable in advance, for a MINIMUM period, of 12 months. This plan also includes 1 x complimentary Remote Preventative maintenance check at a 6 month interval.
Silver Subscription
fee $85.00. This allows for up to 120 minutes per month, service time, for up to 2 computers. That’s as little as $1.90 per day per computer. Fees are payable in advance, for a MINIMUM period, of 12 months. This plan also includes 1 x complimentary Remote Preventative maintenance check at a 6 month interval for each computer.
Gold Subscription
fee $125.00. This allows for UNLIMITED minutes, per month, service time, for up to 2 computers. That’s as little as $2.78 per day, per computer. Fees are payable in advance, for a MINIMUM period of 12 months. This plan also includes 1 x complimentary Remote Preventative maintenance check at a 6 month interval for each computer.
VIP Subscription
fee $180.00. This allows for UNLIMITED minutes per month, for up to 3 computers, plus unlimited service and repairs in our workshop, if we are unable to perform or complete repairs remotely. That’s as little as $2.67 per day, per computer. Fees are payable in advance for a MINIMUM period of 12 months. This plan also includes 1 x complimentary Remote Preventative maintenance check at a 6 month interval for each computer.


Casual fees 

NO Subscription
Minimum Install fee payable - $61.00 - This fee is only payable once if you wish to use our remote service option on an “as required Casual basis”, assuming that the software supplied for remote connection is still usable for future instances.
If not then the Install Fee is payable each time.
Plus Min service fee payable for 30 minute connection and service of $61.00
After 1st 30 minutes and hourly rate of $120.00, payable in 20 minute blocks @ $40.00 per 20 minute session. This type of service is best booked for a specific time and date and will be paid for in advance prior to work starting.
We will supply an Estimate for the service to be performed, as payment will need to be cleared prior to service being performed. We will advise if any issues arise that will significantly increase the original estimate.

All subscriptions are for a Minimum 12 month contact.
24 and 36 month contracts are available on request - Discounts are available
Subscriptions paid in full as opposed to monthly, attract a 10% discount.
Casual fees must be paid for on day of service and booked in - IN ADVANCE.
Standard and Silver plans can have “Service Time” added to the normal allocation if required, this charge will be added at a cost of $0.50 per day for an extra time allocation of 30 minutes per month. Therefore if you require a Standard subscription but you require 80 minutes per month then your monthly fee would increase by $15.00. These addition time allocations can only be removed after a 3 month Time frame.
If you are outside of Gisborne and we are unable to fix your problems remotely then any freight and packaging costs to get your computer to our workshop in Gisborne and returned to you, the customer, will be the responsibility of the customer.
Except for VIP plan, any work performed beyond the monthly allowance whether that work be performed remotely or at our workshop, will be charged at the applicable Labor rate quoted above.
Please note any Hardware or Software parts cost are also the responsibility of the customer.
All Subscriptions are to be paid in advance and by Automatic Payment.
Subscription downgrades are available after 3 months and attract a fee of $50.
Subscription up-grades are available at the end of any given month and are free, any additional fees are payable prior to the commencement of the new subscription.
Subscriptions include the cost of Labour only, Hardware and some software may be charged additionally to the customers account.
In the event that remote connection cannot be made due to computer or Internet issues, then repairs in the first instance can be performed in our Gisborne workshop under the same terms and conditions as if it were being performed remotely.
Unused monthly subscription service times can be rolled over for up to 2 months maximum. This means that at month 5 in your service contract you have 20 minutes unused service time at the end of the month this can be added to the next months service time allocation, this would make a STD monthly service fee time of  50 + 20 minutes = 70 minutes.
All Remote service plans include 1 x preventative maintenance remote service at approximately 6 months into the 12 month contract. This Preventative maintenance action will be done at a time convenient to Computerz and More and is 20 minutes in duration. Any issues arising from this preventative maintenance will be fixed using any “time” from your time bank, any extras will be to the customers account and paid for accordingly.

There are Limited GOLD SUBSCRIPTIONS (100 Nationwide), and
There are Limited VIP SUBSCRIPTIONS (50 Nationwide).
This number may be revised within 12 months depending on demand.
Multiple and Mixed subscriptions are available and attract a discount, please discuss the options with our staff.
Subscriptions are not transferable unless new Computers are purchased from Computerz and More Limited.
Computerz and More may transfer a Subscription between computers at their sole discretion - but a transfer fee of $50.00 is applicable.
All fees and charges are GST Inclusive. All Invoicing will be by Email in PDF format.
A Contract will need to be signed by all participants.
Purchase of Computer Systems and peripherals purchases are not included in this offer. This is a Labour Only contract. This service will only work with a Cellular or ADSL Broadband Internet connection.


1.So, if you have 1 x Desktop at home or at work, and you have a laptop as well, and a family member is using either a Laptop or Desktop at University you can cover all 3 computers at once with a VIP SUBSCRIPTION. As long as we can connect via the Internet we can usually fix it from here in Gisborne - Great piece of mind.
2.You have 2 x family members with a laptop each both at School, Uni or even overseas in Australia, on an OE in Europe you can use the SILVER SUBSCRIPTION - as long as we can connect via the Internet we can usually fix it from here in Gisborne to give you piece of mind.
3. You have purchased a new Laptop for your family member to use whilst they travel or attend University, you need to ensure the Laptop is secure and working correctly - you can use the STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION to provide a remote service if something goes wrong, as long as we can connect via the Internet we can usually fix it from here in Gisborne - Great piece of mind.
4.You are a medium sized business, you have 3 desktops at work and 2 laptops at home and your Sales Representative has a laptop - you can apply for a
Multiple and Mixed subscriptions option to suite the workload requirements of each Computer knowing that “service” may be just an email or phone call away - Great Piece of Mind, More uptime greater Productivity.
5. You may have a Disability of any kind, we can offer a unique service to maintain your computer and affect a repair urgently.
Who you going to Call ?
The fantastically Fast Fixers who Fix IT First Time
Computerz and More Limited
06-8672667  - 0272588879
Or Email us at

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